

How the Comforter Changed My Life

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Recommendation for reading order:

Indeed, it is good to read book 1, 2, and 3 in order. However, I would recommend starting with book number 2, ‘How the Comforter Changed my Life’, as it gives a more detailed and in-depth story of God’s love for man, and if you want to know the background of how everything started for the author. Then, you’ll see the red thread of reading book 1 'Understanding the Relationship of Father and Son through Their Image' and finally book 3 'The Comparison'.

The Comparison

Recommendation for reading order:

Indeed, it is good to read book 1, 2, and 3 in order. However, I would recommend starting with book number 2, ‘How the Comforter Changed my Life’, as it gives a more detailed and in-depth story of God’s love for man, and if you want to know the background of how everything started for the author. Then, you’ll see the red thread of reading book 1 'Understanding the Relationship of Father and Son through Their Image' and finally book 3 'The Comparison'.

Understanding the Relationship of Father and Son through Their Image

Recommendation for reading order:

Indeed, it is good to read book 1, 2, and 3 in order. However, I would recommend starting with book number 2, ‘How the Comforter Changed my Life’, as it gives a more detailed and in-depth story of God’s love for man, and if you want to know the background of how everything started for the author. Then, you’ll see the red thread of reading book 1 'Understanding the Relationship of Father and Son through Their Image' and finally book 3 'The Comparison'.